Sarah Draeger
Take your growth into your own hands!
"What is planted in each person's soul will sprout." - Rumi.
Coaching, mentoring and counselling to support individuals and groups improve their well-being, gain self-confidence, reconnect to their core and subconsciousness and access their spirituality to transform into a better version of themselves.
A seed cannot sprout upwards without simultaneously sending roots into the ground. Just like a seed which needs water, air, light and fertile environment, your heart, mind and soul need attention, care, focus, encouragement, affection, positivity, and a nurturing environment in which you can grow. If you plant new seeds of goodness in your life, they will sprout into greatness in your life. You can grow healthy roots by taking care of yourself in a self-loving and self-appreciative way which facilitates the growth of a strong healthy stem. The seed of strengths and greatness exists in every being, and it is up to us to facilitate its growth. We may never know how long it will take for us to grow into what we would like to grow into, whether it is a flower or a tree. The only thing we know is that it can take a week, a month, a year - growth takes time, but the speed of growth lies in your own hands. The more you work on yourself, the more you facilitate your growth. If you don't know how..
The process seems slow...
Good things take time! Be aware that goals may not be achieved overnight, because it can take some time to transform - a sprout does not develop in one day either. The tiny seed knows that it needs to be dropped into soil or dirt, covered in darkness and push through the dirt to reach the light.
My SPROUT coaching philosophy focuses on one’s holistic well-being which includes your body, mind and spirit (also known as soul). I truly believe that all the information that we are seeking is inside of us, in our heart, and that we can access it when we connect to our inner self. Just like the instinct that sits deep inside a seed: the universe has stored the information in its fibres and without having a brain, it
just knows how to grow. Water and sunshine to the seed
is the mind and soul work to our heart. It lies in our own
hands to develop strong roots within us, grow bigger and
better and transform into a healthy version of ourselves!
Are you ready to grow?
Change can be scary, but it does not have to be! Human growth is as natural as breathing air. People can get stuck in their comfort zone, just like plants getting stuck in thick mud. What they do is become resilient and push right through it! If you are also stuck somehow or crumbling like a dry leave, it is time to take matter in your own hands!